Sunday, January 22, 2012

Film Noir - Similar Products- Film Noir Openings

Opening 1- Touch of Evil

What I like about this opening is the use of only one shot throughout most of the opening, which shows the conventional lack of editing in film noirs. This would be someone I'd like to use in my film for instance walking through a bar or down a back alley.Also, i like how you don't see the villains face and you see his shadow flash across the wall which is a great effect.
I also like how their is music in the background that draws you in, along with the fact that you want to know when the bomb planted in the back of the car will go off. This gets the audiences attention and makes sure they aren't bored, as you are gripped as you think the bomb could go off at any point.

Opening 2- Sunset Boulevard

In the opening of this for about half of it there's just the credits that nowadays you'd find at the end of a film, however with film noir it is conventional for them to be at the beginning, this is something that could be used but it would look better if something was going on in the background so you have something that is pulling you in. What i do like about the opening is the narrator that tells you the background the Sunset Boulevard, and the first shot of the police cars going past as it quickly pans round to watch them pass. The camerawork and editing in this opening is quite unconventional for a film noir however it works well with the narrator in the background. The use of editing in the opening wasn't to obvious with the clever narrator in the background and this could be an idea for my film noir opening.

Opening 3- Double indemnity

From this trailer the things i liked was that the sign said stop way before the car was near the lights but he still went on as he must have been in a rush. This though is a metaphor for the whole film as he had time to stop and turn back but he didn't, these little metaphors and hidden messages could be used well in my opening.
The main character in the opening that is the detective figure is wearing the conventional hat and trench coat that is a must have for our opening as it is a very well known convention of the genre.
Another good thing from this opening is the seen in the lift where the shot doesn't change at all throughout their conversation, this shows more the conventional lack of editing seen in film noir that I'd like to use in my opening, its also a nice shot after that as it tracks out with the detective to look over a workplace, very common in film noir but works very well as you don't really want the editing to stand out.

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