Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Preliminary task- script, storyboard and team work

Preliminary task- Script

Both me and Tom produced the script as a team as we could debate on what would work better in the film. Throughout producing the script we changed alot of aspects, such as the ending. Originally TWIN 2 was just going to walk out but we changed it so that he would turn back to create a sense of danger and suspence, enhancing the impact left on the audience.

Preliminary task- Storyboard

I created the storyboards using the shot list and script as guidance. I tried to show the movement of the camera and people in the shots using arrows.

Preliminary task- Team Work

So far I think we are working well together, we are organised and are both doing similiar ammounts of work towards the task. We are behind of filming, but this is due to our actor Becky not being able to film on the arrange day which was Thursday  24th November. We have since rearanged to the film the rest on the 2nd December. We didn't want to comprimise on the actor as we thought she suited the part.

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