Monday, February 20, 2012

Film Noir- In lesson work - Lighting workshop

In our last lesson we begun the lighting tutorial that gives you the information needed to use the lighting kit for our production. So far I've learned how to set up the lighting kit and how not to kill myself in the process.

I've learnt all the names and equipment that are included in the kit, which are:

-2x Redheads
-2x Stand
-2x Barn Door
-2x Bulb
-Power Lead
-2x Power Surge
-Set of Clips
-Set of Gels

I've learnt the uses of the kit, for example the scrim is used to dim out the lighting, which makes shadow less upfront and causes the light on the face to be duller.

Next lesson we are finishing the tutorial as we still have more to learn about the lighting kit. Below is an example of scrim and the typical lighting kit we will use in our production.

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