Friday, December 16, 2011

Preliminary task- filming

 In my opinion filming went, it was quick and proffesional. Filming was well organised and the actors were focused and didn't really mess around. We finished filming quicker due to keeping it organised which gave us more time to edit our film. The only real filming problem we had was that one of our actors couldn't attend on the main day we were set to film on. This caused us to fall behind and when we did film it was slightly rushed. We did decide to keep this actor as they were well suited for the role, and just rearranged a new filming day.
In filming i was the cameraman/producer. I think that for the roles i had i did them well, i white balanced and manual focused every shot, which made the shots purer, more focused and less tacky. This made our film look more proffesional. As for the producer role, I was weaker at this as i've never done or seen it being done before, but i think i still did quite well. The main things i did for this was call action and count in to every shot. The swiftness of the filming shows that I did this role pretty well along with the camerawork.

Preliminary Task- evaluation

This is our evaluation for our production Gemini. For some reason when uploaded it was shortened from just under 6 minutes long to 3 minutes long, cutting out half of the important questions we had to answer. We have the original 6 minute version, however it is not on youtube. Embeded below is the evaluation that has been uploaded onto youtube:

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Preliminary Task- Video and Poster

Here is the link to our video:

This is the poster me and Tom created together, we put the titles on the table to make them look like 3D:

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Securing our location for 2nd december

Today i spoke to the teacher that was using the room we are filming in at the only other time we could have filmed. I asked him if there was any chance he could change room to allow us to film in it, as we've already filmed half our film in the room. So far he has agreed and will be sending my media teacher an email to confirm he will change room. This now gives up plenty of time to finish the film, letting us use the more effective angles as we will have more time to try them out.